Cosmetic Filling is another name for white fillings in the front teeth which are used as a relatively simple method of disguising small defects such as chipped or crooked teeth or gaps between teeth. The procedure involves preparing your teeth with an etching solution which we simply paint on, and then applying the tooth-colored filling material (resin) to your teeth. We carefully shape the resin to give it a natural appearance, and bond it into place. This procedure does not usually need a local anesthetic.
Dr. Pradeep Bansal
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Bansal set up his private practice in dermatology in 2010. Before this the...
Dr. Shivanjali Bansal
Bansal’s Skin & Smile Clinic is an ISO 9001:2000 Certified Multi-Speciality Dental Clinic...
Dental Treatments
Complete Dentures
Complete Dentures / Flexible Dentures A denture...
Crown & Bridge
A crown is used to entirely cover or...
Diastema Closure
A diastema is a space between the front teeth,...
Skin Treatments
Dr Pradeep Bansal is the one who personally...
PRP Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy in Hair Restoration...